What are 5 examples of possessive | possessive case

Examples of Possessive Nouns
Apple’s taste.Book’s cover.Boss’s car.Cat’s tuna.Computer’s keyboard.Deer’s antlers.Diane’s book.Diabetes’s symptoms.

What is show possessive case?

When two or more nouns indicate ownership, but the ownership is separate, each noun gets the apostrophe + “s” to indicate separate possession.

How many types of possessive cases are there?

The possessive case is used to indicate relationships between one person, place, or thing and another.

How do you write a possessive case?

Singular nouns form their possessive case by adding ‘s to the singular. Only the apostrophe (‘) without s is added if the noun contains too many hissing sounds. Plural nouns ending in -s form their possessive case by adding only an apostrophe. Plural nouns that do not end in -s, form the possessive case by adding ‘s.

Is it James or James’s?

Commentary: both James’ birthday and James’s birthday are grammatically correct. Remember: it’s up to you! Use the version which best matches how you would pronounce it. Use James’s if you pronounce it “Jamesiz”, but use James’ if you pronounce it “James”.

What are the 7 possessive nouns?

The independent possessive pronouns are mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs. The possessive adjectives, also called possessive determiners, are my, our, your, his, her, its, and their.

What is a possessive in a sentence?

The possessive form is used with nouns referring to people, groups of people, countries, and animals. It shows a relationship of belonging between one thing and another. To form the possessive, add apostrophe + s to the noun. If the noun is plural, or already ends in s, just add an apostrophe after the s.

How do you use possessive?

The possessive form is used with nouns referring to people, groups of people, countries, and animals. It shows a relationship of belonging between one thing and another. To form the possessive, add apostrophe + s to the noun. If the noun is plural, or already ends in s, just add an apostrophe after the s.

Where is the possessive case used?

The Possessive case is used to express that something belongs to someone or to show a relationship between two or more people. We show this ownership by adding an apostrophe and an s to the noun if the noun is a person or an animal.

What are the 3 rules for apostrophes?

The apostrophe has three uses: 1) to form possessive nouns; 2) to show the omission of letters; and 3) to indicate plurals of letters, numbers, and symbols. Do not use apostrophes to form possessive pronouns (i.e. his/her computer) or noun plurals that are not possessives.

What are the three types of possessive?

Usage guide. Use possessive nouns (this is Anita’s book), pronouns (this book is hers ), and determiners (this is her book) to indicate belonging.

What is difference between possessive and genitive case?

As adjectives the difference between possessive and genitive

is that possessive is of or pertaining to ownership or possession while genitive is (grammar) of or pertaining to that case (as the second case of latin and greek nouns) which expresses origin or possession it corresponds to the possessive case in english.

Which is correct Jesus or Jesus’s?

There are several different style guides for writing the English language. When you follow the rules of The Associated Press Stylebook, Jesus’ is proper. With all other style guides, Jesus’s is correct.

What is a possessive word?

A possessive noun is a noun that shows ownership of something. Possessive nouns are commonly created with the addition of an apostrophe and ‘s’ at the end of a noun. For example: This is the cat’s toy.